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Steps for testing web pages

Steps for testing web pages

This feature provides examples on how to use some of the most common steps for selenium. This steps are also used for testing GingerSpec and make sure all steps work before every release. The steps make use of a local version of, a public and free set of test pages for automating or testing. If you would like to run this tests, you can substitute http://${DEMO_SITE_HOST} by All scenarios that include steps for testing web pages using selenium (such as this one) must include the "@web" annotation. This is necessary, since it signals GingerSpec that it should bootstrap selenium and other important components.

  1. Opening the browser, navigating and managing windows

  2. Checking elements properties

  3. Interacting with elements

  4. Waiting for elements

  5. Managing alerts

  6. Working with file pickers/uploading files

  7. Dealing with iframes

  8. Miscellaneous